Newsletter - December
Community News!
The John Muir Elementary PTA is a volunteer group of families, teachers, and staff who support and celebrate the success, diversity, well-being and equitable opportunity of all students at our school. We serve as a liaison between families and advocate for all students, sponsor fun events, and provide financial support to classrooms. Our mission is to advocate for kids furthest from educational justice. We welcome all to join - please reach out with questions, ideas or to learn about volunteer opportunities!
Stay up to date with PTA events bysubscribing to our calendar -
Highlight:Business Meeting next Thursday, Dec. 9th at 7pm(link and info below)
Volunteers Needed!
We wanted to highlight an important need we have for volunteers. Julia MacCracken has been our representative on the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance (SESSFA) and the first big event we are planning with that group is a Move-A-Thon May 2 through May 13, 2022. Julia highlighted at the last business meeting the major needs:
Help facilitating corporate or small business sponsorships for the spring Move-a-Thon (blind asks will also be going out, but there will be an up front push to explore community channels)
Help with creating press connections or experience with media outreach to help promote the spring Move-a-Thon and the overarching mission of SESSFA (press for SESSFA has been limited, but last spring this article in the South Seattle Emerald spurred a bump in donations)
We would like to create a working group for this event that would begin meeting in the next several weeks. Roles to kickoff the working group are as follows:
Move-a-Thon Site Lead/SESSFA contact: Julia MacCracken
Finance Lead (Role: oversee procedures for collection of cash & check donations at John Muir, consolidate collected funds from John Muir for transfer to Alliance for Education, submit tax forms to Alliance for Education to receive dispersed funds):
Event Lead (Role: brainstorm & help plan a community Move-a-Thon event at John Muir--could be virtual or in-person, taking COVID safety and protocol into account):
Teacher Representative (Role: lead efforts to engage teachers in encouraging student Move-a-Thon participation, help brainstorm ways teachers can incorporate Move-a-Thon "bingo" challenge activities into class time):
Communications Lead: (Role: lead efforts to promote community giving & student participation in the Move-a-Thon through email(s), social media, take-home flyers, etc.)
PTA/PTO Board Representative (Role: represent PTA mission to support our students and families, help facilitate communications between work group leads, John Muir staff, volunteers, and more):
If you are interested in joining this group, please email ASAP and we will connect everyone with Julia. If you cannot join the group but can help with corporate sponsorships or media outreach, please let us know that as well.
Thank you notes
Vaccine Clinic:
Thanks to everyone who participated in the vaccine clinic at John Muir several weeks ago! Kids were superstars . Please take a minute and join us in thanking the awesome staff from Othello Station Pharmacy and Somali Health Board for staffing the SPS COVID vaccine clinics.
John Muir second-dose clinic will be on Monday, December 6th from 8:00-10:30 a.m.
Students can also get their first dose at this clinic, but will need to follow up outside of school for the second dose, as this is the last vaccine clinic at John Muir.
A parent or guardian is invited to attend the school day clinic with their child but does not need to attend. Make sure to bring the child’s vaccine card or send it with your child. See Principal Haider's December 1st Community update for more information from the school including consent forms, etc!
Talent Show:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the talent show at John Muir a couple weeks ago! Please take a minute and join us in thanking our teachers for hosting the talent show.
Upcoming Business Meetings
Thursday, December 9th, 7-8 pm
Join us for our next business meeting on Thursday, December 9th - from 7-8 pm. Come connect with other volunteers and help make events happen.
Business meeting zoom link:
Meeting ID: 825 6468 8327
Passcode: 225398
Tuesday, January 11th, 7-8 pm
Join us for our next business meeting on Tuesday, January 11th - from 7-8 pm. Come connect with other volunteers and help make events happen.
Business meeting zoom link:
Passcode: 467679
Stay up to date with PTA events by subscribing to our calendar
The John Muir PTA