Upcoming Events
Dear John Muir Community member,
We wanted to share some updates about our upcoming events!
Upcoming Business Meeting: Tuesday, February 8th, 7pm-8pm
Join us for our next business meeting on Tuesday, February 8th - from 7-8 pm. Come connect with other volunteers and help make events happen!
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86921935257?pwd=U2o2VkFCTnZXZUVWQk55QUNadXdOQT09
Passcode: 023963
Proposed agenda:
Budget discussion and revision process
PTA board recruitment/ nominating committee
Updates from committees
Coming up:
Look out for a Black History Celebration event happening after the mid-winter break. More details to follow.
Change in plans:
We will be delaying the planned video screening til later in the year.
The John Muir PTA