ACT NOW - School Schedule Changes

Hello wonderful Muir families, teachers, and staff!

As some of you may be aware there are some big changes happening around start times for next year - the current proposal has John Muir Elementary starting each day at 9:30 am and ending at 4pm

So far, based on what we've heard, this is not the desired change for many families and staff. The vast majority of students at John Muir are NOT bused to school, as we are a "walking school." A very small number actually use the bus so it seems unnecessary to change our schedule to adapt to busing needs.

To let SPS know your concerns please fill out this form that SPS sent in their recent email.

Some sample wording to include - select Concern:
"My children (enter names) go to John Muir Elementary and I'm very concerned that the start times are changing to put our school at a 9:30 start time. The change in schedule would disrupt so many families' lives, childcare, and work routines."

More info should be coming soon from the school as well. Please let SPS know your concerns and fill out this form and share with our community.

The John Muir PTA exec team


Move-a-thon Fundraiser for 15 SE Seattle Schools


March News and Events