Walking School Bus, Starts May 3rd and runs all May!

What is a walking school bus? A group of students who walk to school with one or more adults. Walking school buses help students get to school on time, reduce pollution and congestion near school, and connect neighbors to each other. 

Where is the walking school bus? See the route below – join at a stop or along the way

How do I communicate with others about the bus? Notifications sent via What’s App. Join via this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LwCgj1hdClo6PaNHs1qtk0 

Who runs the walking school bus? The bus is powered by Muir parents and volunteers.  

When does the walking school bus run? Our bus will start May 3 and run daily Monday through Friday for the month of May. We hope to add after-school routes and continue through June depending on interest and volunteers. 

What can I do to prepare? Encourage classmates to join, be ready when group arrives and review safety tips (English, Amharic, Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese).

Walking School Bus Route. Join us for the month of May starting May 3rd!

*Accessibility Note: route involves steep descent, including a staircase between stop 1 & 2. Rest of route is fairly flat.

Questions? Feedback? Interested in starting or suggesting a new route, or volunteering to support the route? Please email johnmuirsaferoutes@gmail.com.


Afterschool care -- looking for more feedback (please!)


May is Walk and Bike to School Month!