Join us for a Community Conversation next Tuesday (Virtually)!
Tuesday, January 25, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (join at 6:45 to select language channel of choice)
This session will cover several topics that impact all of our Southeast Seattle public schools. It is a great opportunity to be in community with the 15 elementary and K-8s in D7 to listen, learn, and ask questions together!
Here's the zoom link:
Meeting ID: 830 3209 2727
Passcode: 658231
Organizada por la Alianza de Recaudación de Fondos de las Escuelas del Sudeste de Seattle
Está invitado a una sesión de escucha y preguntas y respuestas con Vivian van Gelder, experta en políticas y defensa de la educación con sede en Seattle que representa a PTO Giving Coalition, y miembros fundadores de la Alianza de recaudación de fondos de las escuelas del sudeste de Seattle, incluida Christina Jiménez, educadora de SPS y madre de Graham Hill Elementary.
MARTES 25 DE ENERO 19:00 - 20:30
ID de la reunión de ZOOM: 830 3209 2727 Código de acceso: 658231
Nos sumergiremos en temas que impactan a todo nuestro público del sudeste de Seattle escuelas, incluidos presupuestos, recaudación de fondos, equidad, promoción y más. Para consultas sobre la agenda de la reunión o para enviar una pregunta por adelantado,
Póngase en contacto con cantonés, somalí y español habrá interpretación disponible durante la reunión en canales de audio dedicados. Inicie sesión a las 6:45 p. m. para unirse al canal de idioma que elija.
El segundo Move-a-thon anual de la Alianza de Recaudación de Fondos de las Escuelas del Sureste de Seattle de 2022 alienta a nuestros niños a participar activamente tanto en su escuela como en la comunidad en general saliendo y moviéndose juntos.
Waxaa martigeliyay Isbahaysiga Lacag ururinta Dugsiyada Koonfur-bari Seattle
Waxaa lagugu martiqaaday fadhi dhegaysi iyo Q&A oo lala yeelanayo Vivian van Gelder, Seattle u doodista waxbarashada iyo khabiirka siyaasadda ee matalaya Isbahaysiga Bixinta PTO, iyo asaasayaasha Isbahaysiga Lacag ururinta Dugsiyada Koonfur-bari Seattle oo ay ku jiraan Christina Jiménez, bare SPS iyo waalidka Dugsiga Hoose ee Graham Hill.
Talaado, Janaayo 25
7:00PM - 8:30PM
Ku biir khadka tooska ah ee zoomAqoonsiga kulanka: 830 3209 2727 Koodhka Koodhka: 658231
Waxaan u dhexgeli doonnaa mowduucyada saameeya dhammaan dugsiyada dadweynaha ee Koonfur-bari Seattle, oo ay ku jiraan miisaaniyada, lacag ururinta, sinnaanta, u doodista, iyo in ka badan!
Wixii su'aalo ah ee ku saabsan ajendaha shirka ama aad horay u soo gudbiso su'aal, la xiriir Turjumaada Cantonese, Soomaaliga, iyo Isbaanishka ayaa la heli doonaa inta kulanka lagu jiro iyadoo la adeegsan doono kanaalada maqalka ah ee gaarka ah. Fadlan gal 6:45pm si aad ugu biirto kanaalka luqadaada ee aad dooratay.
Sannadlaha labaad ee 2022 Southeast Seattle Fundraising Alliance Move-a-thon waxay ku dhiirigelisaa caruurteena inay si firfircoon uga qaybqaataan dugsigooda iyo bulsho weynta labadaba anagoo ka soo baxna oo wada guuraya.
Annaga oo adeegsanayna qaab lacag ururin ah oo iskaashi ah, iskaashigayagu wuxuu noo ogolaanayaa inaan wadaagno agabka, xoojinta cilaaqaadka oo aan ka hirgelino dhacdo wadajir ah dhammaan dugsiyada deriska ah, isku-duwidda iyo u qaybinta lacagaha la uruuriyay dhammaan dugsiyada ka qayb-galaya. Habkani waxa uu awood u siinayaa PTA-yadayada iyo PTO-yada inay xuddun u noqdaan dhismaha bulshada, ka-qaybgalka iyo u doodista
Chinese (Traditional)
邀請您參加與代表 PTO 捐贈聯盟的西雅圖教育倡導和政策專家 Vivian van Gelder 以及東南西雅圖學校籌款聯盟的創始成員,包括 SPS 教育家和 Graham Hill 小學家長 Christina Jiménez 的聆聽會議和問答.
1 月 25 日,星期二 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
使用 ZOOM 在線加入會議 ID:830 3209 2727 密碼:658231
如需諮詢會議議程或提前提交問題,請聯繫。會議期間將通過專用音頻頻道提供粵語、索馬里語和西班牙語口譯服務。請在下午 6:45 登錄以加入您選擇的語言頻道。
2022 年第二屆東南西雅圖學校籌款聯盟行動馬拉松鼓勵我們的孩子通過走出去和一起行動來積極參與他們的學校和更大的社區。
使用協作籌款模式,我們的合作夥伴關係使我們能夠共享資源、加強關係並在鄰近學校開展集體活動,將籌集的資金匯集和分配給我們所有參與的學校。這個過程使我們的 PTA 和 PTO 能夠以社區建設、參與和宣傳為中心,同時將重點從我們各個社區的籌款轉移
We hope to see you there!
The John Muir PTA
Support John Muir Staff
Dear Muir Community Member,
Let’s show some love and appreciation to our wonderful Muir teachers and staff! It is a stressful time and the staff are showing up for our kids and doing their best to keep everyone safe! We encourage you to shower your teachers with love. Here are just a couple ideas, but feel free to share your own with us!
1. Remind your child each day to give their teacher a compliment or share a kind word.
2. Send your teachers a quick email of thanks and appreciation.
3. Share a note or artwork with your teachers.
4. We have also created a sign up genius to staff a card table and bring treats to teachers this week.
Please consider signing up if you are able.
TIA! Emailinfo@themuirpta.orgif you have questions.
The John Muir PTA
Newsletter - January
Community News!
The John Muir Elementary PTA is a volunteer group of families, teachers, and staff who support and celebrate the success, diversity, well-being and equitable opportunity of all students at our school. We serve as a liaison between families and advocate for all students, sponsor fun events, and provide financial support to classrooms. Our mission is to advocate for kids furthest from educational justice. We welcome all to join - please reach out with questions, ideas or to learn about volunteer opportunities!
Stay up to date with PTA events by subscribing to our calendar
Highlight: Business Meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 11th at 7pm (link and info below)
Upcoming Business Meeting
Tuesday, January 11th, 7-8pm
Join us for our next business meeting on Tuesday, January 11th - from 7-8 pm. Come connect with other volunteers and help make events happen.
Business meeting zoom link:
Agenda includes:
-Fundraising update
-Advocacy update
-Club update
-February Community Event planning
-Recruiting for next year’s PTA leadership
Fundraising Updates
We’re incredibly humbled and grateful to report that our Year-End fundraiser generated over $8,000 in support from this amazing community. This includes a generous match of $2,500 from an anonymous donor, which was unlocked with the help of over 40 donors from our community. It was so encouraging to see this outpouring of support, especially as we approach this coming year, with ongoing uncertainty and challenge around our collective response to the pandemic and Omicron. With this support, the PTA will be in a strong position to provide assistance and advocacy to staff, teachers, families, and students in the Muir community. Next up – we’ll be all-in on work with the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance, and participating in a Southend-wide Move-A-Thon this spring, raising funds collectively and equitably for Southeast Seattle public schools. And you can help! Let us know if you’d like to volunteer to be on the Move-A-Thon committee.
The John Muir PTA
Newsletter - December
Community News!
The John Muir Elementary PTA is a volunteer group of families, teachers, and staff who support and celebrate the success, diversity, well-being and equitable opportunity of all students at our school. We serve as a liaison between families and advocate for all students, sponsor fun events, and provide financial support to classrooms. Our mission is to advocate for kids furthest from educational justice. We welcome all to join - please reach out with questions, ideas or to learn about volunteer opportunities!
Stay up to date with PTA events bysubscribing to our calendar -
Highlight:Business Meeting next Thursday, Dec. 9th at 7pm(link and info below)
Volunteers Needed!
We wanted to highlight an important need we have for volunteers. Julia MacCracken has been our representative on the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance (SESSFA) and the first big event we are planning with that group is a Move-A-Thon May 2 through May 13, 2022. Julia highlighted at the last business meeting the major needs:
Help facilitating corporate or small business sponsorships for the spring Move-a-Thon (blind asks will also be going out, but there will be an up front push to explore community channels)
Help with creating press connections or experience with media outreach to help promote the spring Move-a-Thon and the overarching mission of SESSFA (press for SESSFA has been limited, but last spring this article in the South Seattle Emerald spurred a bump in donations)
We would like to create a working group for this event that would begin meeting in the next several weeks. Roles to kickoff the working group are as follows:
Move-a-Thon Site Lead/SESSFA contact: Julia MacCracken
Finance Lead (Role: oversee procedures for collection of cash & check donations at John Muir, consolidate collected funds from John Muir for transfer to Alliance for Education, submit tax forms to Alliance for Education to receive dispersed funds):
Event Lead (Role: brainstorm & help plan a community Move-a-Thon event at John Muir--could be virtual or in-person, taking COVID safety and protocol into account):
Teacher Representative (Role: lead efforts to engage teachers in encouraging student Move-a-Thon participation, help brainstorm ways teachers can incorporate Move-a-Thon "bingo" challenge activities into class time):
Communications Lead: (Role: lead efforts to promote community giving & student participation in the Move-a-Thon through email(s), social media, take-home flyers, etc.)
PTA/PTO Board Representative (Role: represent PTA mission to support our students and families, help facilitate communications between work group leads, John Muir staff, volunteers, and more):
If you are interested in joining this group, please email ASAP and we will connect everyone with Julia. If you cannot join the group but can help with corporate sponsorships or media outreach, please let us know that as well.
Thank you notes
Vaccine Clinic:
Thanks to everyone who participated in the vaccine clinic at John Muir several weeks ago! Kids were superstars . Please take a minute and join us in thanking the awesome staff from Othello Station Pharmacy and Somali Health Board for staffing the SPS COVID vaccine clinics.
John Muir second-dose clinic will be on Monday, December 6th from 8:00-10:30 a.m.
Students can also get their first dose at this clinic, but will need to follow up outside of school for the second dose, as this is the last vaccine clinic at John Muir.
A parent or guardian is invited to attend the school day clinic with their child but does not need to attend. Make sure to bring the child’s vaccine card or send it with your child. See Principal Haider's December 1st Community update for more information from the school including consent forms, etc!
Talent Show:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the talent show at John Muir a couple weeks ago! Please take a minute and join us in thanking our teachers for hosting the talent show.
Upcoming Business Meetings
Thursday, December 9th, 7-8 pm
Join us for our next business meeting on Thursday, December 9th - from 7-8 pm. Come connect with other volunteers and help make events happen.
Business meeting zoom link:
Meeting ID: 825 6468 8327
Passcode: 225398
Tuesday, January 11th, 7-8 pm
Join us for our next business meeting on Tuesday, January 11th - from 7-8 pm. Come connect with other volunteers and help make events happen.
Business meeting zoom link:
Passcode: 467679
Stay up to date with PTA events by subscribing to our calendar
The John Muir PTA
Art Night with Ms. T! Nov 16, 7-8pm
At the next community event on November 16, we will have the opportunity to experience a bit of our school's art curriculum and even tap into our own inner artists. Ms. T will lead us in a drawing activity that begins with a mindfulness moment and ends with a short dance party! Bring a pencil, some paper, and your creativity!
Art Night with Ms. T
Come celebrate, make art and create joy!
On Zoom! Tuesday, Nov. 16, 7-8 pm
Creativity and Community Fun! No special supplies are needed.
Mindfulness, Art, and a Dance Party!
Zoom link:
Passcode: 264395
PTA newsletter - updates galore!
Community News!
The John Muir Elementary PTA is a volunteer group of families, teachers, and staff who support and celebrate the success, diversity, well-being and equitable opportunity of all students at our school. We serve as a liaison between families and advocate for all students, sponsor fun events, and provide financial support to classrooms. Our mission is to advocate for kids furthest from educational justice. We welcome all to join - please reach out with questions, ideas or to learn about volunteer opportunities!
Stay up to date with PTA events by subscribing to our calendar
Join the PTA by signing up online
Why become a member? We are only as strong as our members. While anyone can attend meetings, only members are legally allowed to vote to approve the PTA budget and to approve key strategy decisions. In addition, all Executive Board members must be members. According to PTA regulations, we must have at least 25 members to officially run as a PTA.
Community Calendar
Upcoming PTA Business Meeting - November 9
Join us for our next business meeting on November 9th - from 7-8pm. Come connect with other volunteers and help make events happen.
Zoom link to the business meeting:
Passcode: 906451Community Event - Art and Mindfulness with Ms. T on November 16th
At the next PTA community event on November 16, 7-8 pm, we will have the opportunity to experience a bit of our school's art curriculum and even tap into our own inner artists. Our own Ms. T will lead us in a drawing activity that begins with a mindfulness moment and ends with a short dance party. Bring a pencil, a bit of paper, and your creativity!
Zoom link to the community event:
Passcode: 264395School Talent Show - November 18th on Teams
Let's come together to celebrate and inspire each other with a Back to School Talent Show! Families, parents, and caregivers are invited to send in submissions. Email your 3-5 minute video submission of parent or family talent to our PTA intern, Kat Chen - by Nov. 8th. A HUGE thank you to Ms. Noriega, Ms. Jemonica, and Miss Amanda who are doing the amazing work of organizing and making this all happen. We so appreciate you! Read more
Fundraising Updates
The John Muir PTA is excited to announce plans to join the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance, a coalition of 15 elementary and K-8 schools in Seattle Public Schools District 7. SESSFA unites PTAs and PTOs to fundraise collaboratively through events that pool funds and distribute them equally to participating schools.
In addition to building strong relationships between neighboring schools, collaborative fundraising can help refocus PTA and PTO efforts on advocacy and community building by reducing the need for individually-organized fundraising. This spring, the John Muir community will be invited to participate in a collaborative Move-a-Thon fundraiser in partnership with 15 SESSFA schools representing 4,800 students. We look forward to this fun opportunity to get out and move with our John Muir community--and our larger Southeast Seattle community--for the benefit of all our District 7 elementary and K-8 schools!
The South Seattle Stroller Brigade and Families Crafting Change are partnering in a fundraiser benefiting the SESSFA - They will have info and links available in early November. The sale event is 11/28-12/5. Be on the lookout for more details in November
Finally, please continue showing up for our community.
Please keep sharing as you are able to the two Go Fund Me drives going for Ms. Noriega and Mr. Zerihun. This is a small and simple way we can live out our values.
The John Muir PTA
A welcome back message from the PTA
Dear Muir Parents, Caregivers, Teachers, Staff, and Community Members:
We made it! Congratulations on making it through one of the hardest imaginable school years. Collectively we have endured and learned so much, and we (adults and kids) have displayed incredible amounts of resilience. We are SO GRATEFUL to our dedicated teachers and staff for all you have done this year to invest and love our kids. Thank you, thank you!!
We are so excited to be BACK! As we think about the upcoming school year, the return to full-time in-person instruction, and the unknowns ahead we wanted to reach out and let you know the John Muir PTA is here and continuing to support our community. Our mission is to advocate for kids furthest from educational justice.
This is where you come in! We welcome everyone to join our meetings and to take part in making our school community all it can be.
School supplies have been ordered for all kids, and teachers will be picking them up on Thursday August 26 to get ready for welcoming all kids back to class. If you’d like to contribute to this effort you can donate here. By purchasing school supplies in bulk we dramatically reduce costs for everyone.
We want to be more transparent about when meetings are happening and sharing minutes. Going forward ALL our meetings will be public, accessible via Zoom when remote, with interpretation available.
The next two meetings will be online - links to come!
- September 14th, first business meeting - for volunteers to connect and plan for the year
- September 21st, first community meeting - to welcome everyone back and introduce the PTA board
Keep your eyes peeled for a full calendar of events coming soon.
Who we are:
The PTA is excited to announce that we recently elected our 2021-2022 school year PTA Executive Committee:
President: Anetria McCraney (
Co-Vice President: Maymuun Aden (
Co-Vice President: Catherine Seaver (
Co-Secretary: Karen Woodburn (
Co-Secretary: Karina Derksen-Schrock (
Treasurer: Dashel Schueler (
Thank you also to those of you who volunteered for other crucial roles with the PTA. Below, please see current opportunities (many - in BOLD - still in need of volunteers! ):
Building Leadership Team (BLT) representative (1 person): Meagan Dixon
Race & Social Justice (many members):
Communications (1-2 people):
Fundraising (need chair): Julia MacCracken, Ali Swift, Amy Stelljes
Events (3-4 people): Emily Miller, Kate Schueler, Habone Ahmed
Welcome Committee (3-4 people): Jeremy Kraft
Advocacy (1-2 people): Lul Ali, Fatiya Mohamed
School Supplies (3-4 people): Chelsea Dziedzic (support)
Staff Appreciation (many members): Habone Ahmed
Translation & Interpretation Coordinator (1 person):
John Muir Garden (many members): Jill Newton, Karen Woodburn
Volunteer Coordinator:
Membership Coordinator:
Grant Writer (paid position):
Our incredible community thrives when we all can participate and when the work is shared among many. Would you please consider investing in one of the volunteer opportunities above? We are a community that strives to center relationships over productivity, connection over efficiency, and advocacy over fundraising. We strive to live out anti-racism values in our work.
If you are interested in getting more involved or have questions, please email Anetria and the PTA Executive Committee at
Anetria McCraney, PTA President
Maymuun Aden and Catherine Seaver, PTA Co-Vice Presidents
5th Grade Graduation Party - June 18th, 2-4 pm Mount Baker Park
Join students and caregivers as we celebrate the accomplishments of this 5th Grade Class!
School tours for prospective parents
Spread the word to your neighbors – virtual school tours for families thinking about sending their kids to John Muir are happening January 27 at 11:30 am and February 10 at 3:30 pm. Attend to learn about the vibrant, diverse, and high-quality education offered by John Muir Elementary. Read more and find links here!
PTA Updates - PTA Meeting, Virtual Coffee Hours, and Virtual Book Sale!
Upcoming PTA Community Meeting, Thursday, January 21st 6-8pm
Please join us! Click here for Zoom link.
Friday Coffee Hours is Back (Virtually)!
A relaxed way to connect with other Muir families. Pour yourself some coffee or tea at home or work, and join us (open house style - join when you can even if only for a minute) on Zoom every Friday from 8:45 am – 9:15 am for Virtual Coffee Fridays. Click here for Zoom link.
Virtual Book Sale at Third Place Books to Benefit Muir Families: January 25th - 29th
From January 25 – January 29, John Muir PTA will receive 20% of any purchase you make at Third Place Books, online. You will also be able to purchase books from our reading staff's "wish list." Mention John Muir when you check-out, and see the attached flyer for more information. You can shop using this link (it will only work between Jan. 25th - 29th). Please share this with others in our community!
Kulankeena Xiga ee Bulshada PTA waa Khamiista, Janaayo 21Fadlan kaqeybgal kulankeena soosocda ee Bulshadda PTA! Waxaan ku tala jirnaa inaan isku turjunno af-soomaali, iyo Isbaanish.
Khamiis, Janaayo 216:00 - 8:00 pmKu soo biir kulanka halkan!--
Nuestra próxima reunión comunitaria de la PTA es el jueves 21 de enero¡Por favor asista a nuestra próxima reunión de Zoom de la Comunidad de la PTA! Tenemos la intención de tener interpretación simultánea en somalí y español.Jueves 21 de enero6:00 - 8:00 pm¡Únete a la reunión aquí!
ቀጣዩ የ PTA ማህበረሰብ ስብሰባችን ሐሙስ ጥር 21 ነው
እባክዎን በሚቀጥለው የ PTA ማህበረሰብ ማጉላት ስብሰባችን ላይ ይሳተፉ! በሶማሊኛ እና በስፔን ቋንቋዎች በአንድ ጊዜ ትርጓሜ እንዲኖረን አስበናል ፡፡
ሐሙስ ጃንዋሪ 216:00 - 8:00 pmእዚህ ስብሰባውን ይቀላቀሉ!
Cuộc họp Cộng đồng PTA tiếp theo của chúng tôi diễn ra vào Thứ Năm, ngày 21 tháng 1
Vui lòng tham dự Cuộc họp Thu phóng Cộng đồng PTA tiếp theo của chúng tôi! Chúng tôi dự định có phiên dịch đồng thời bằng tiếng Somali và tiếng Tây Ban Nha.
Thứ năm, ngày 21 tháng một6:00 - 8:00 tốiTham gia cuộc họp tại đây!
PTA update - Community Meeting, Thursday Nov. 19
Our Next PTA Community Meeting is on Thursday, November 19
Please attend our next PTA Community Zoom Meeting! We intend to have simultaneous interpretation in Vietnamese, Somali, Amharic, Oromo, and Spanish.
Thursday, November 19
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Join the meeting here!
Cuộc họp Cộng đồng PTA tiếp theo của chúng tôi diễn ra vào Thứ Năm, ngày 19 tháng 11
Vui lòng tham dự Cuộc họp Thu phóng Cộng đồng PTA tiếp theo của chúng tôi! Có phiên dịch bằng tiếng Việt.
Thứ năm, ngày 19 tháng 11
6:00 - 8:00 tối
Tham gia cuộc họp tại đây!
Kulankeena Bulshada ee xiga ee PTA waa Khamiista, Nofeembar 19
Fadlan kaqeybgal kulankeena soosocda ee Bulshada Bulshadda!Oo af soomaali ku tarjuman toos.
Khamiis, Nofeembar 19
6:00-8:00 pm
Ku soo biir kulanka halkan!
ቀጣዩ የ PTA ማህበረሰብ ስብሰባችን ሐሙስ ህዳር 19 ነውእባክዎን በሚቀጥለው የ PTA ማህበረሰብ ማጉላት ስብሰባችን ላይ ይሳተፉ! በአማርኛ ከትርጓሜ ጋር
ሐሙስ 19 ኖቬምበር
6:00-8:00 pm
እዚህ ስብሰባውን ይቀላቀሉ!
Nuestra próxima reunión comunitaria de la PTA es el jueves 19 de noviembre
¡Por favor asista a nuestra próxima reunión de Zoom de la Comunidad de la PTA! Con interpretación en español.
Jueves 19 de noviembre
6:00 - 8:00 pm
¡Únete a la reunión aquí!
Our goal in this meeting is to continue building community among families and staff, to share updates and opportunities for folks to be involved in our advocacy for all families. Join us!
Paid interpreters needed!
As a practice, the PTA compensates our bilingual Instructional Assistants to support the interpretation of PTA meetings but if they are unavailable we could use additional support. Compensation is $50/hour. Please email if you are interested in interpreting or translating in the following languages: Spanish, Somali, Vietnamese, Oromo, and Amharic.
Catch up on previous meetings minutes.
As we adjust to running Community Meetings via Zoom we want to be more transparent in providing access to and minutes for these meetings. You’ll find our Community Meeting Minutes all listed here.
Sharing Community Meeting Minut
Hello wonderful community!
As we adjust to running Community Meetings via Zoom we want to be more transparent in providing access to these meetings (check out this website, our FB page and the school messages from Principal Haider).
You’ll find our Community Meeting Minutes all listed here. We’ll also share them with our email list (to sign up, scroll down to the bottom of this page and fill in the form).
Finally - fill out this form to join the PTA - We are only as strong as our members. While anyone can attend meetings, only members are legally allowed to vote to approve the PTA budget and to approve key strategy decisions. In addition, all Executive Board members must be members. According to PTA regulations, we must have at least 25 members to officially run as a PTA.
Upcoming PTA Community Meeting - Oct. 21
Our Next PTA Community Meeting is on Wednesday, October 21
Please attend our next PTA Community Zoom Meeting! We'll have simultaneous interpretation in Vietnamese, Somali, Amharic, Oromo, and Spanish.
John Muir PTA update
October 16, 2020
Our Next PTA Community Meeting is on Wednesday, October 21
Please attend our next PTA Community Zoom Meeting! We'll have simultaneous interpretation in Vietnamese, Somali, Amharic, Oromo, and Spanish.
Wednesday, October 21
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Join the meeting here!
Cuộc họp Cộng đồng PTA tiếp theo của chúng tôi diễn ra vào Thứ Tư, ngày 21 tháng 10
Vui lòng tham dự Cuộc họp Thu phóng Cộng đồng PTA tiếp theo của chúng tôi! Có phiên dịch bằng tiếng Việt.
Thứ tư, ngày 21 tháng 10
7:00 - 8:30 tối
Tham gia cuộc họp tại đây!
Kulankeena Xiga ee Bulshada PTA waa Arbacada, Oktoobar 21
Fadlan kaqeybgal kulankeena soosocda ee Bulshada Bulshadda!Oo af soomaali ku tarjuman toos.
Arbaco, Oktoobar 21
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Ku soo biir kulanka halkan!
ቀጣዩ የ PTA ማህበረሰብ ስብሰባችን ረቡዕ ጥቅምት 21 ነው
እባክዎን በሚቀጥለው የ PTA ማህበረሰብ ማጉላት ስብሰባችን ላይ ይሳተፉ! በአማርኛ ከትርጓሜ ጋር
ረቡዕ ጥቅምት 21 ቀን
7:00 - 8:30 pm
እዚህ ስብሰባውን ይቀላቀሉ!
Nuestra próxima reunión comunitaria de la PTA es el miércoles 21 de octubre
¡Por favor asista a nuestra próxima reunión de Zoom de la Comunidad de la PTA! Con interpretación en español.
Miércoles 21 de octubre
7:00 - 8:30 pm
¡Únete a la reunión aquí!
Our goal in this meeting is to continue building community among families and staff, to share updates and opportunities for folks to be involved in our advocacy for all families. Join us!
Paid interpreters needed!
As a practice, the PTA compensates our bilingual Instructional Assistants to support the interpretation of PTA meetings but if they are unavailable we could use additional support. Compensation is $50/hour. Please email if you are interested in interpreting or translating in the following languages: Spanish, Somali, Vietnamese, Oromo, and Amharic.
Become a John Muir PTA member
If you haven’t yet, we’d love for you to join our small but mighty PTA. Everyone is welcome. Family members, advocates, guardians, teachers, school staff and community members are welcome to join the PTA. Individual membership is $10.00 and we offer an automatic waiver of the fee to anyone who requests it. Click here to become a member!
John Muir PTA update - pick up devices and school supplies
Supporting our families and distributing school supplies and devices.
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!
While this is not the year any of us anticipated, we’re excited to start the new year in a new way and with unique challenges and opportunities ahead of us.
Supporting our families
In this year of change and uncertainly, as a PTA we are here to support all students and their families in the coming year, especially those furthest from educational justice.
Pick-up your computer or iPad and school supplies
Please come to John Muir on either Wednesday, September 9 or Thursday, September 10 to pick up your child’s iPad or laptop, school supplies and first day packet at the following times:
Wednesday, September 9 (all last names) 7:30-9:30 am
Wednesday September 9 (last names A-L) 10:30-12:30 pm
Wednesday September 9 (last name M-Z) 3:00-5:30 pm
Thursday, September 10 (last names A-L) 10:30 am-12:30 pm
Thursday, September 10 (last names M-Z) 3:00-5:30 pm
If you are not able to come at your assigned time, please come when you can.
Families will need to fill out an agreement form before receiving an iPad or laptop.
Remember to wear a mask and social distance. See you Wednesday or Thursday!
Our Next PTA Community Meeting is on September 17
Please attend our first PTA Community Zoom Meeting of the year on Thursday, September 17 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. A link will be sent prior to the meeting.
We're here for you, please stay in touch!
The Muir PTA
Please share these important videos!
Fiidiyow muhiim ah
Por favor comparte video importante
Video quan trọng
አስፈላጊ ቪዲዮ
Vidéo importante
Fiidiyow muhiim ah
Por favor comparte video importante
Video quan trọng
አስፈላጊ ቪዲዮ
Vidéo importante
Please share these important videos!
Additional videos in Somali, Amharic, and our other primary home languages will be coming soon.
Welcome to Muir’s 2020 School Year PTSA Board
We are excited to announce the results of last month's PTA elections: an incredibly strong and dedicated group of volunteers for our 2020-2021 school year PTA board!
We are excited to announce the results of last month's PTA elections: an incredibly strong and dedicated group of volunteers for our 2020-2021 school year PTA board! As we prepare for what will undoubtedly be another very challenging year, we are grateful for the support of our entire school community. Please welcome our new members! We hope even more members of our community will get involved this year to support our students, teachers, staff, and families. Email us to connect! You can read the meeting minutes here.
Join Us For our Community Meeting
Your PTA needs your voice and your talent! We will hold our elections for the 2020-2021 school year next week at our community PTA meeting - June 11th from 6pm - 7pm; remotely
Your PTA needs your voice and your talent! We will hold our elections for the 2020-2021 school year next week at our community PTA meeting (June 11th from 6pm - 7pm; remotely - click for Zoom link).
Will you please consider playing a more active role in this community next year? We are in significant need of more members. THE STRONGER OUR COMMUNITY, THE STRONGER OUR IMPACT.
We are an imperfect community of parents, guardians, community members, teachers, and staff who are committed to advancing anti-racism in our school community, strengthening community supports, and interrupting the impacts of systemic racism, xenophobia, and income inequality that threaten the ability of our students to achieve their dreams.
We work to support and encourage our teachers and staff while also holding each other accountable to our shared goals. We believe that our most powerful tool is our collective advocacy (not our ability to raise money) in our work to eliminate the achievement gap.
If you have questions or interest in joining us, please email Lul and Makeba at
More than ever, we need strong communities that work together to address big challenges that threaten the next generation. We hope that the Muir PTA will be a place that you can do this work with us.
In this unprecedented health and economic crisis, the John Muir Elementary PTA has designated $10,000 from our school-based budget for a special COVID-19 Emergency Fund. It is our sincere hope that (those who are able to in) our community will MATCH this amount in order to reach a goal of $20,000 in support.
In this unprecedented health and economic crisis, the John Muir Elementary PTA has designated $10,000 from our school-based budget for a special COVID-19 Emergency Fund.
It is our sincere hope that (those who are able to in) our community will MATCH this amount in order to reach a goal of $20,000 in support. These funds will be allocated as direct check payments for rent or crucial utilities for current John Muir Elementary families. In addition, the PTA will be supporting the Wellness Team in connecting families with other community resources that provide food, health support, and other vital needs. Read more…
Every contribution counts - small or large. Donate Today!
UPDATE: We have an incredibly exciting update to share!!!
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our community (including a major donor who contributed $10,000!!!) we have now raised more than $24,000.
We are so moved by the ways in which this community cares for one another. As requests for rent and utility support continue to come in, our Wellness Team is using up these funds quickly.
We are meeting this need with an increased goal: